
Beckett - Three Years Old

Three years seems like nothing. No time. But looking at the almost magical transformation, we call it "growing," that has happened to my sweet Beckett is, truly, amazing. He's gone from a spazzy, drooling, screaming, little miracle to a thoughtful, joyful, verbose, little boy. Yes, he has nearly shed all of his baby and is fully a boy these days.

He can count, knows his ABCs, and blows me away when he pulls out sentences like "which book would you prefer?" He can catch, kick and throw a ball. And is starting to do cool stuff like clear his plate from the table and get himself dressed. He also is the worst at potty training and asks embarrassing questions, such as, "did you say excuse me because you farted or burped?"

He makes me laugh every day and I am thrilled and honored to be his mom.


Embracing Your Burgeoning Buttinski

In the last six months conversations between my husband and I start out as normal, but within a sentence or two Becks jumps in with a "Hey, Mom!" or "Guys, watch this!" Depending on what Hillary and I are saying to each other dictates if we stop what we're saying to indulge him or ask him to please wait until we're finished speaking. We don't have any hard and fast rules on interrupting, we just do what we feel. He just wants to be included, we get it.

Now with his sister here, it's gotten to the point where Hillary and I can only have a conversation after he's in bed. Sometimes, though, you just need to talk to another adult in the house before 8:45 p.m. So I've found that making eye contact with Beckett while I tell Hillary a story works kind of well.

This is an actual conversation I had with my three year old (which was really with my husband).

Me: I was listening to that podcast that Alec Baldwin does and he was interviewing Chris Columbus.

Becks: Uh-uh.

Me: (Still looking directly at Becks) Did you know that Gremlins, his first screenplay, only got made because Steven Spielberg walked passed it laying on some assistants desk and liked the title?

Becks: (Never breaking eye contact) Oh. Okay!

Then he just walked away and Hillary and I laughed and laughed. Until he ran back down the hall and said "Hey mom! What's a Pod Cat?"